Another killer officer cleared: The murder of Anthony Lamar Smith

Yes, the American system of justice reveals its blind, unjust and dehumanising face once again, as an Officer Jason Stockley is acquitted of murdering Anthony Lamar Smith after:

  • during the pursuit saying: “Gonna kill this [expletive], don’t you know it.”
  • Shooting Smith 4 times, even though backup was on the way.
  • Apparently planting a weapon in Smith’s car which didn’t have Smith’s DNA on it, only Stockley’s.
  • Apparently planting a package containing drugs Smith’s car which again didn’t have Smith’s DNA on it, only Stockley’s.

All this has happened in relation to Anthony Lemar Smith fleeing an alleged drug offence.

Video courtesy St Louis Post Dispatch

Black people are definitely under attack in the USA. The judiciary and The Presidency cannot claim to value all human life if judgements like this can be passed. It’s an insult to justice and people’s intelligence, plain and simple.

More: BBC News

UK Arms Sales Destabilize and Cause Misery

The Guardian has an insightful article on how in these times of austerity, the UK arms industry is booming.

And so the UK lays the seeds of instability, playing power games on far off shores, that will ultimately breed the next despot ruler we armed and then realised we had to overthrow, for the sake of humanity. What a farce!

Courtesy The Guardian – Full Story

Unjust police actions don’t just affect black people

Yes it’t true, black people are more likely to be racially profiled, stopped, or killed in the USA and in the UK to some degree. But there is a deeper issue with police officers abusing the power they have. Look at this video of how a police officer handles a nurse who is doing the correct proceedure according to law.

When those who are supposed to protect us according to law abuse there power, we are in real trouble. I’ve said it before:

Punish the guilty WITH JUSTICE, not the innocent WITH INJUSTICE!

Courtesy The Washington Post – Full Story

Globalisation = Neo-Colonialism

Colonial powers have for the large part removed their overt intrusion into lands far from their home shores (obviously apart from where they have just over-run the indigenous inhabitants and no one really remembers who owned that country in the first place). However, what we see today with globalisation, really is just a new form of colonialism, economic colonialism, as Neil Clark writes, Neo-Colonialism. Read his great article “The Empire Strikes Back: with destructive and dishonest neocolonialism“.

Our societies are built on injustice, racism and exploitation. It’s no surprise to me to see neo-colonialist and neo-fascist forces on the rise.

They say that science and God don’t mix

I’m not hot on science, but I am a believer, and I have never for one second believed that the universe began by chance. At school when we studied evolution, I had to do an essay about it, but was so disturbed by what I was being asked to write, that I had to clarify my own beliefs in the essay. My teacher wasn’t impressed with this.

Today, even more so, the worked is fixated on science. I’m glad there are other believers who can give context to show that even science supports the existence of God!

They say that science and God don’t mix.

The City of London and the UK Banking System

The City of London, actually a small part of what is commonly thought of as London, precisely 1.12 square miles containing financial services companies, with its own police force, laws, and apparently The Queen must ask permission to enter it. It’s been suggested that The City of London is not part of the UK and is its own sovereign state!

Information for re-education:

Money for nothing.

Kim Jong-un and the North Korean hatred of the USA – An overview

Whenever we see people acting crazy, we have to find out why. There are always two sides to every story.

Why do North Koreans hate the USA?

I didn’t know any of this stuff.

Still Kim Jong-un’s attitude is belligerent, he’s provoking nations with far more firepower than North Korea has. I think to avoid potentially putting his people through similar atrocities that they faced in the past, he should change his attitude to one of reconciliation. We can’t change tha past, but we can try to strive for justice and learn from the mistakes of the past.

Treated like rats

With all that’s going on in the world, the rise of populism and the far right, I got to thinking what will become of the people of my race.

Thinking of Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and the whole far right machine, the lyrics of Kendrick Lamar’s “The Blacker The Berry” are bouncing around:

You hate me don’t you?
You hate my people, your plan is to terminate my culture
You’re fuckin’ evil I want you to recognize that I’m a proud monkey
You vandalize my perception but can’t take style from me.

And also knocking around in my head, strangely for a few months now, are the words of Raoul Silva, a character in James Bond’s Skyfall.

Hello, James. Welcome. Do you like the island? My grandmother had an island. Nothing to boast of. You could walk around it in an hour, but still it was, it was a paradise for us. One summer, we went for a visit and discovered the place had been infested with rats. They’d come on a fishing boat and gorged themselves on coconut. So how do you get rats off an island? Hmm? My grandmother showed me. We buried an oil drum and hinged the lid. Then we wired coconut to the lid as bait and the rats would come for the coconut and… they would fall into the drum. And after a month, you have trapped all the rats, but what do you do then? Throw the drum into the ocean? Burn it? No. You just leave it and they begin to get hungry. And one by one…
[mimics rat munching sound]
Raoul Silva: they start eating each other until there are only two left. The two survivors. And then what? Do you kill them? No. You take them and release them into the trees, but now they don’t eat coconut anymore. Now, they only eat rat. You have changed their nature. The two survivors. This is what she made us.

To be blunt, black on black crime is the equivalent of the rats eating each other. And in a more subtle sense when our environment is being controlled we have to be careful not to fall into the harmful practices that are open to us. Not just black on black crime, but crime in general, drugs, abuse, low self-esteem, lack of ambition. Make no mistake, there is a plan at work, and the powers that be in society are controlling black people in many ways (housing, finance, education, justice, work, etc) and similar practices are being waged against any non-white minority, and even some minority white cultures in ny predominant white society.

What’s the aim of this control? In my view it is to create a manipulative underclass that can be blamed, used and discarded. The justification being, such people with low worth are of no moral value to anyone. Does this sound familiar? Doesn’t it sound like slavery? Let’s not really take the bait that slavery is behind us. In the USA in particular the judiciary is the net and the prison system the ships hold, which is in many cases punishing the innocent, those who can’t afford representation and those guilty of minor crimes with forced labour contracted out to big companies who profit even more through the use of a workforce that costs them nothing or next to nothing to exploit.

It’s not just about unfair treatment and inequality, it’s much deeper – it’s about changing the nature of our race, just like turning the rats from attacking anything other than themselves because of their limitations, so it is with black people, we are limited and hampered and undermined in all kinds of ways, generation after generation this affects our DNA, we are born into a system which we expect to treat us this way, and our natural responses to it become tailored to fit it, conform to it, and even to perpetuate it.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 says:

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

The far right definitely hates black people, Donald Trump calls the Confederate statues beautiful symbols of America’s past and history. Every form of pseudo-slavery, and even the real thing, if it were to occur again, which I believe it could if people do not wake up to the cancer in our midst, stems right back to the fact that even though the Confederacy was ruled as having lost the war in the USA and in the vast majority of the world slavery is outlawed, there is a living, evolving subtext to that fight that keeps digging in its viper-like fangs into society to ever remind us, it isn’t dead yet!

The seed of the far right in the USA

After seeing what has happened in Charlottesville, it is now clear, and it is now simple. If a one black man or muslim goes brandishing arms in a protest, they are very likely to be shot and seen as a criminal or a terrorist. Let a group of white people march with arms under confederate and neo-nazi flags and the response is different. Yes these far right groups have been belatedly condemned, but the only arrest seems to be over the crazed man who drove his car into the public killing Heather Heyer and injuring 19 other people.

What of the people who carried guns and threatened to use them to a peaceful march?

The reason the law of the USA, or at least the way it is applied by those in authority is different for the criminal and the terrorist versus the far right-wing extremists is because far right-wing extremists are expressing points of view that “secretly” those in power in the USA have. This viewpoint of America being white and being over-run by foreigners is ingrained in the constitutional fabric of that society, even Jefferson – seen as the founder of the nation – had black slaves. From that point on trying to push for true equality and freedom through law has always been like trying to push water uphill.

Monuments, street names, parks and other such cultural artefacts cry aloud of America’s violent and hypocritical past in terms of race relations. The huge irony is that it is Europeans who have invaded the countries of other people, displacing native American Indians, the Aborigines in Australia, and even the natives in Southern Africa – not to mention the disruption and exploitation practiced in many other African countries, South America, India and so forth.

In terms of a race feeling threatened by the influx of a foreign culture, truly, history tells us that only Europeans have really managed to work that particular behaviour on other nations, and the fear of the same being worked against them is patently ironic – surely there is a name for such arrogant blindness? Often people are only in the countries Europeans inhabit by historical legacy (descendents of slaves), indigenous inhabitants, and the spill over from other nations which is a legacy of the European system of capitalism where people go in search of better paid work, largely due to the resources and industry in their own country being heavily exploited by foreigners. Even where these workers are illegal, they play an important part in the economies of the countries they reside – note Trumps policy of cracking down on illegals is causing a shortage of workers to harvest crops, which will ead to scarcity and increased prices – that won’t help the forgotten poor that Trump claims to represent!

These views of racial xenophobia are crass, flawed. conceited and blindly hypocritical. The problem is all such racial bigotry comes from an irrational mindset that doesn’t realise the historical issues that feed into the current day situation, and doesn’t acknowledge the worth of all people in society (even illegal immigrants). We have created the society we see today both the oppressor and the oppressed, the stong and the weak, the advantaged and the disadvantaged. If there is a problem with society and we try to overlook away the past, that past will just come back to haunt us another way. Indeed the reason we are still dealing with far right views and huge inequality today, is because society has not yet adequately dealt with those issues justly and fairly – and the longer society tinkers with the edges of these problems, the more insidious these problems will get.

European culture, whether in Europe or America or Australia has a devouring appetite to consume the resources of other countries and then to marginalize the people of those countries and make them appear as parasites. Indeed, demonization of other cultures feeds the already ingrained notions of superiority that the far-right groups cling to, it affirms their world view. At the less overtly extreme end of the spectrum it justifies the perpetual nature of exploitation of other countries which itself feeds into the vicious circle of exploitation, greed and prejudice. Mr Trump is playing a key role in ensuring through the office of the American Presidency that the status quo remains unchanged, perhaps even that its grip is tightened.