LGBT Proselytism

In recent years I’ve become aware that the LGBT movement has really grown and become a powerful force in society. It seems to me that we now have reached a point of LGBT proselytism, as drag queens go into schools to teach children as young as 2 about “gender fluidity” (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender sexual orientations). I find that somewhat strange as there are many choices a child can make in life, why should sexuality be thrust on toddlers? Surely there are more important things at that stage in life? How do we know those young children were not confused by what they saw? Why should the majority of children in those classes who are heterosexual be subjected to a spectacle like this?

I personally find drag queens repulsive, often over-sexualised examples of moral filth. That is not to say that I would discriminate or harm any LGBT person in any way, I just do not understand their impulses, and do not want to.

It seems to me that when it comes to the “protected characteristics” of race, sexual orientation and faith, there will always be conflicts in society because some people’s faith is at odds with some people’s sexual orientation, but because our society appears to value freedom of sexual orientation as paramount, over and above freedom of religion, we will always see these strange cases where people who try to exercise their faith are considered to be discriminating.

In public institutions I can see why any type of discrimination is not to be tolerated. However, for privately run institutions there is a grey area. For example people who have a faith may want to go to a place where they know that the other guests share their same principles, just as people who go to a whorehouse would probably not like to be interrupted by a church choir. Narrowing the choice for one section of society (LGBT), enables a choice to be made in conscience for another (those with a faith). No-one goes into a Halal or Jewish butchers to demand pork and then feel their rights have been deprived and make a complaint, neither does one go to a vegetarian restaurant and demand meat or vice versa, no, they go elsewhere so their needs can be met. The differences between public and private institutions need to be made clearer and the options for people need to be considered, narrowing of choice is not discrimination.

Society doesn’t see it yet, but what we are in fact doing is curtailing the freedoms of those who have faith, for those who demand that their sexual orientation be accepted by everyone, even for people, who by their nature can not do so without offending the God they worship and revere, and denying their own “protected characteristics”.

Posted in Faith, I Hate, News.

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