All Hail The Planet

Awesome documentary, for every $1 dollar the global north “donates” to the global south $30 dollars goes the other way because of “unequal exchange” (exploitation of labour and resources). The global south funds the development of the global north, don’t believe the spin.

Really appreciate this insightful documentary. Thank you Ali Rae.

Israel, Zionism, Apartheid and The Geneva Convention

Israel needs to think about innocent people and The Geneva Convention. Sending armed police into a place of worship with weapons is provocative, that was the spark that led to all this death and destruction on *both* sides. It’s sad when the authorities which preside over our societies seem to incite the violence and terror they are supposed to protect us from.

[Rulers,] does your silence really speak justice?
Are you judging people fairly?
[No!] In your hearts you devise wrongs,
your hands dispense violence in the land.

Psalm 58 1&2 (CJB)

Why the international community doesn’t bring Israel and Hamas to justice for war crimes is beyond my understanding. The state of Israel as we know it today was formed in violence and perpetuates its existence through violence. This doesn’t excuse the actions of Hamas either, who bomb Israel knowing that they have no way to protect the poor people within their own borders from Israel’s inevitable retaliation.

There are many in Israel and outside of it who believe in re-establishing Israel under some kind of Old Covenant regime of driving out the nations that existed there before them. If you believe in a twisted non-inclusive version of the Old Covenant alone, when even the Old Testament is inclusive (Isaiah 56:3), and not the grace afforded by the New Covenant, then the establishment of Israel as a “state”, 73 years ago, not by Yah, but by England and France (SykesPicot) as they divided up that particular part of the world, among many others, is your proof that Israel “exists”.

However, let’s look at some scriptures to examine what we can find about how Yah’s house is built, and the scriptural attitude to conflict to the time since Messiah began to establish His kingdom:

Then he answered me, “This is the word of Adonai to Z’rubavel: ‘Not by force, and not by power, but by my Spirit,’ says Adonai-Tzva’ot.

Zechariah 4:6 (CJB)

This is the word that Yesha‘yahu the son of Amotz saw concerning Y’hudah and Yerushalayim:

In the acharit-hayamim the mountain of Adonai’s house will be established as the most important mountain. It will be regarded more highly than the other hills, and all the Goyim will stream there.

Many peoples will go and say, “Come, let’s go up to the mountain of Adonai, to the house of the God of Ya‘akov! He will teach us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” For out of Tziyon will go forth Torah, the word of Adonai from Yerushalayim.

He will judge between the nations and arbitrate for many peoples. Then they will hammer their swords into plow-blades and their spears into pruning-knives; nations will not raise swords at each other, and they will no longer learn war.

Isaiah 2:1–4 (CJB)

At that, one of the men with Yeshua reached for his sword, drew it out and struck at the servant of the cohen hagadol, cutting off his ear. Yeshua said to him, “Put your sword back where it belongs, for everyone who uses the sword will die by the sword. Don’t you know that I can ask my Father, and he will instantly provide more than a dozen armies of angels to help me? But if I did that, how could the passages in the Tanakh be fulfilled that say it has to happen this way?”

Matthew 26:51–54 (CJB)

Yeshua answered, “My kingship does not derive its authority from this world’s order of things. If it did, my men would have fought to keep me from being arrested by the Judeans. But my kingship does not come from here.”

John 18:36 (CJB)

For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.

Ephesians 6:12 (CJB)

For although we do live in the world, we do not wage war in a worldly way; because the weapons we use to wage war are not worldly. On the contrary, they have God’s power for demolishing strongholds. We demolish arguments and every arrogance that raises itself up against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it obey the Messiah.

2 Corinthians 10:3–5 (CJB)

Every scripture above teaches us to trust in The Spirit of Yah, not on our man made weapons. Many believers looking on at the conflict in Israel and Palestine are more amazed at the weaponry and iron dome defense system which is evident, rather than the working of the Yah’s power to bring peace, which sadly is not. Isn’t the name of Yah and his ways blasphemed among the nations when the nation that should be the light of the world practices such provocation, injustice and murder?

Put quite simply the “light” of apartheid enforced by violence isn’t the light of God’s law that will be a light to the nations and cause people to flood to Jerusalem and our Saviour, The Messiah. The kingdom of heaven isn’t about Jewish superiority, not about war over the right to the land of Israel, but about those who follow Yah from every nation under on earth (Revelation 7:9), the circumcised of the heart, not of the flesh, those who walk in the way of peace taught by Yehsua the Messiah, not those trying to build a kingdom by force. Notice that Messiah said:

Moreover, I tell you that many will come from the east and from the west to take their places at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven with Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya‘akov. But those born for the Kingdom will be thrown outside in the dark, where people will wail and grind their teeth!

Matthew 8:11–12 (CJB)

I believe this points to the fact that a kingdom will be established in Israel prior to the return of The Messiah, the subjects of which will be cast out by The Messiah because their actions and imaginations run contrary to his teaching. Whatever they establish by tyranny will be overthrown with true justice.

Article: Al Jazeera
Picture courtesy

Africa, “Christianity”, rebellion, and Daniel 7:25

Africa, “Christianity”, rebellion, and Daniel 7:25.

The prophet Daniel, speaking of powers that will rule over God’s people and the world says this regarding a ruler or power, which represents a principality, and a principality is the spirit that drives or resides behind the character of a nation, or group of nations.

He will speak words against the Most High and try to exhaust the holy ones of the Most High. He will attempt to alter the seasons and the law; and [the holy ones] will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time. (Daniel 7:25 CJB)

The fourth commandment is this:

“Remember the day, Shabbat, to set it apart for God. You have six days to labour and do all your work,  but the seventh day is a Shabbat for ADONAI your God. On it, you are not to do any kind of work—not you, your son or your daughter, not your male or female slave, not your livestock, and not the foreigner staying with you inside the gates to your property.  For in six days, ADONAI made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; but on the SEVENTH day he rested. This is why ADONAI blessed the day, Shabbat, and separated it for himself. (Exodus 20:8-11 CJB)

CAPITALS emphasis mine.  Shabbat means Sabbath or seventh day.

On March 7, 321, however, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making Sunday a day of rest from labour/work, stating:

“All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the sun. Country people, however, may freely attend to the cultivation of the fields, because it frequently happens that no other days are better adapted for planting the grain in the furrows or the vines in trenches. So that the advantage given by heavenly providence may not for the occasion of a short time perish.”

The venerable day of the sun, means to venerate, worship or respect the sun on a that day, and of course Sunday has throughout history been a day which Pagans have chose to worship created things.  Note this scripture again from God’s law:

“Therefore, watch out for yourselves! Since you did not see a shape of any kind on the day ADONAI spoke to you in Horev from the fire,  do not become corrupt and make yourselves a carved image having the shape of any figure—not a representation of a human being, male or female, or a representation of any animal on earth, or a representation of any bird that flies in the air, or a representation of anything that creeps along on the ground, or a representation of any fish in the water below the shoreline. **For the same reason, do not look up at the sky, at the sun, moon, stars and everything in the sky, and be drawn away to worship and serve them; ADONAI your God has allotted these to all the peoples under the entire sky.** (Deuteronomy 4:15-19) 

** Starred emphasis mine **

“Christians” are told not to worship created things (Romans 1:25, Galatians 4:8-11), as the Jews were also exhorted to avoid, yet in traditional “Christianity” we have it explained to us that Sunday is our day of rest and worship. But, is rest and worship on Sunday the commandment God gave us? Let’s look at the scriptures people use to justify this:

On Motza’ei-Shabbat (after the Sabbath/on the first day of the week), when we were gathered to break bread, Sha’ul addressed them. Since he was going to leave the next day, he kept talking until midnight. (Acts 20:7 CJB)

Every week, on Motza’ei-Shabbat (after the Sabbath/on the first day of the week), each of you should set some money aside, according to his resources, and save it up; so that when I come I won’t have to do fundraising. (1 Corinthians 16:2 CJB)

Notes in parentheses () mine. Now consider, are these scriptures giving us COMMANDMENTS, or are they examples where because of certain situations or needs people met on the first day of the week?

Moving from the historical, to the near present. In 1998 The International Standards Organisation (ISO) published ISO 8601 to standardise date and time related data. As part of this standardisation, Sunday became the seventh day of the week.

What you should be seeing here is a changing and drift away from what God commanded, to these man made rules.  BEWARE, sin is like an iceberg, you see only the tip, but you can’t see what lies beneath the surface!  Yahshua (“Jesus”) said:

‘These people honour me with their lips,

but their hearts are far away from me.

 Their worship of me is useless,

because they teach man-made rules as if they were doctrines.’

“You depart from God’s command and hold onto human tradition. Indeed,” he said to them, “you have made a fine art of departing from God’s command in order to keep your tradition! (Mark 7:6-8)

Today “The Church” teaches us all kinds of things that shut out the righteousness, justice and peace that God desires for mankind, this is on top of the atrocities committed in the past in the name of Jesus Christ. People must learn not to follow the ways of European Christians, who have brought death and destruction to Africa and many parts of the world with their doctrines of White Supremacy. Look, they have made God in their own image, and we see murderous, rapacious greed masking itself as holy empire, as British empire, as European dominance, as American empire, we see homosexual priests and priests that abuse children; these things are not what the faith we believe in is supposed to be about, these things have no part at all in our faith.

The thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, life in its fullest measure. (John 10:10 CJB)

Compare that with what European teaching has done for Africa?  Do you have life in full measure? A full understanding of God’s purpose for your life and your standing among nations, or do you feel oppressed and exploited, like America and Europe are lands of promise that you want to flee there because Africa is hell?  Who made Africa hell and who perpetuates the demeaning of a race because of the colour of a people’s skin, Africans or Europeans? 

Therefore know this, that European teaching and example has also brought reproach to the Word of God, and sadly they will not rebuke their own to the extent that is needed to ensure repentance and justice is ever satisfied.  God’s justice is supposed to be the light of the world, not something that man can improve on, yet after 2000 years or more of man’s tampering with God’s commandments by preferring his own we see the world in no better condition, and we see tyranny and iniquity ever reaching into our lives with subtle and even brutal force.

In truth Sunday keeping is a mark of apostasy and rebellion against God’s commandments, where we take our lead from the teachings and doctrines of men, rather than our Lord Messiah Yahshua.  Really, if Messiah Yahshua is our only sovereign and Lord (Jude 4), why do we take commandments from Roman Emperor Constantine and The Pope? Remember the Romans were the force that destroyed Israel, demolished the temple, how is it suddenly that they are creating the “Universal Church”.  When we empty the Word of God of its power and follow the teachings of men, we become a laughingstock and mockery to the people around us.

Do you pray for miracles and see nothing happen? Does your pastor take your tithe and promise you blessings that never materialise? Is church more a lifestyle routine, rather than a lifestyle that brings change?  Yahshua said “by their fruit you will know them” (Matthew 7:15-27).  If you are not seeing change, even bitter change, you are in the wrong place. Follow God’s commands and reject people who work lawlessness through their rejections of God’s commandments in favour of their own rules!

May God bless you as you keep his word wholeheartedly. Shalom.

Ghislaine Maxwell & the Maxwell web of intrigue

I recently watched the documentary “Filthy Rich” on Jeffery Epstien. This guy “allegedly” appears to be a very slippery character and sick satanic pedophile, with links to many wealthy people such as Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump etc. Even his death was highly suspicious! 

I feel sorry for the victims and how the system has let them down. It’s striking how poor justice in the USA is, it seems like people in power deliberately covered up this web of abuse. 

I didn’t realise that the family Ghislaine Maxwell comes from has a intriguing history with links to Palestine, spying and web technologies, as the following video details. 


From Babylon to America?

This is a good explanation of the prophecies common to both Daniel and Revelation. However, I would question the links Attila Kakarott (the video producer) makes between the church and the feet of clay and iron mixed (Da 2:33), he says the clay is the church, referring to the prophet Jeremiah and how clay is formed by God into whatever he pleases (Jeremiah 18), but the scripture says:

“You saw the iron mixed with clay; that means that they will cement their alliances by intermarriages; but they won’t stick together any more than iron blends with clay.” (CJB Da 2:43)

The scriptures go on to state:

“In the days of those kings the God of heaven will establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not pass into the hands of another people. It will break to pieces and consume all those kingdoms; but it, itself, will stand forever— like the stone you saw, which, without human hands, separated itself from the mountain and broke to pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold. The great God has revealed to the king what will come about in the future. The dream is true, and its interpretation is reliable.” (CJB Da 2:44–45).

If the church is a union of itself and the fourth kingdom, then the church would be both the kingdom shattering those other kingdoms and one of the kingdoms to be shattered but that’s not possible! The scripture clearly states in verse 2:34 that a stone separated itself, from where it is not clear, but Yahshua said:

“I have given them your word, and the world hated them, because they do not belong to the world—just as I myself do not belong to the world. I don’t ask you to take them out of the world, but to protect them from the Evil One. They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world.” (CJB Jn 17:14–16).

Thus even though we are born into earthly kingdoms, once we accept Yah as our God, as Yahshua as our Lord and Saviour, we are “born again”, not only into a new nature that defeats sin, but into a new kingdom that separates us from the world, its principles and mindset that drives its motives for change.

A war on black people

I heard about the case of Stephen Clarke some time ago, and this is yet another one where US Police have killed an innocent, unarmed man and subsequently have not been punished for doing so.

The lawyer defending the police officers even had the guile to bring up some issues about Stephen Clarke to try to cast a negative light on him, but these are things the officers would not have known at that time and given them cause to act in the way they did. Read the full story on BBC News.

But this got me thinking as the anger and sense of loss in me diminished, I think there is a device within white culture that makes white people scared of black people or feel the need to pity them. 

It seems in white and Euro-centric culture Black people always have to be either a threat or the victim, the for example the victim of slavery, colonization, famine, murder etc and in every case it seems that justice is out of our reach, we are left helpless and in mourning.

I wonder if the reality of who black people are, not just for white people, but for black people also, lies in that space where between being a threat or being pitied, there is a discussion, and an exploration of our humanity, that allows us a voice to express who we are, what we want; and somehow to give us the space and freedom to move beyond the narrow bounds of what white people seem to think we can be.  In short, it is a struggle for self definition.

It occurred to me as I prayed last night, that currently, and for some time, there is a war against black people. A war that works on many levels which bind together to establish a powerful structure of almost control:

  1. Military Power: Africa has always slacked the power to protect itself against sustained and repeated foreign invasion. African society is not without violence and war with neighboring countries, but, the focus of society in terms of funds has never been on building a military force either to significantly defend the borders of African countries, let alone project military power overseas.
  2. Colonialism: This comes as an extension of military power, and has social, cultural, religious and economic pillars that underpin it’s all-encompassing grip on cultures it subverts and undermines.
  3. Economic Exploitation: Africa is rich in resources but poor in wealth. Much of its wealth is extracted by foreign powers at little cost, and then often processed and sold on at great profit in the developed world. It’s hard to believe that in the 21st century, people are still regarded as resources to be trafficked, and arguably I would say that the economic domination of African countries leads to destabilization and poverty of opportunity that causes people to search for work elsewhere and run the risk of falling into the hands of human traffickers. This sits alongside the mismanagement and greed present in African countries where those who control the resources are corrupt.
  4. Spiritual Hegemony: Many people acknowledge there is a God. When the main religion of the world has doctrines about the subjugation of “black” people, it seems that even that which should elevate our being and set us free, actually in the hands of some people, and indeed as the unspoken narrative in some cultures, will impose further chains on black people.
  5. Language: The power of the English language especially, but also Spanish, French, German, Dutch and Portuguese as the languages of colonizers has spread far beyond these countries national borders. When people in a colonized country have institutions set up that have their primary dominion in a language that is not their mother tongue, that creates a barrier, and yet another area of separation and domination.  For example one may not be able to read, speak or understand the language of the colonizer, and if that is the language of law, religion, commerce etc, then you are at an immediate disadvantage.
  6. Financial Power: At the end of this process, we have what the developed world thrives on, Financial Power. You could even link this to Psalms 52 and 49, people who boast that their wealth makes them civilized, they see wealth as their security, it buys them enjoyment, pleasure, a defence against any power that would seek to undermine the status their wealth achieves for them.

All the points I have described above lead to this point and point to an objective of total domination.  Given all of this, and the sheet weight of the societal apparatus that is used to control black people, a black person must be careful not to fall into the trap of believing they are who society seems to depict them as, one has to break the stereotypes, not just of poverty, but of bling, for example – avoid the extremes. Focus on being disciplined within yourself, not comparing yourself to others as the world does – to feed on envy, but focus on achieving the goals which help to express you as you truly are.

Universal declaration of human rights, for some…

Here is an excerpt of an amazing article I found on The Black Agenda Report

Therefore, it is not a coincidence that the same year the UDHR was promulgated, Israel was born as a nation after it terrorized over 750,000 Palestinians into leaving their homes and territories, and Dutch white nationalists assumed power in South Africa, commencing the formalization of their system of racial apartheid, and is the same year both nations were welcome into the community of nations without much controversy.

Full text here.

Unjust police actions don’t just affect black people

Yes it’t true, black people are more likely to be racially profiled, stopped, or killed in the USA and in the UK to some degree. But there is a deeper issue with police officers abusing the power they have. Look at this video of how a police officer handles a nurse who is doing the correct proceedure according to law.

When those who are supposed to protect us according to law abuse there power, we are in real trouble. I’ve said it before:

Punish the guilty WITH JUSTICE, not the innocent WITH INJUSTICE!

Courtesy The Washington Post – Full Story