I can’t believe I am writing this! Am I crazy? I’m starting to think Covid-19 is a genetically engineered virus created to destroy black people, that has “gone wrong” killing many people it was not supposed to.
I wouldn’t put it past a type of people who are fuelled by avarice and a lack of respect for human life, because they idolise their own appearance (race) so much, to be behind something like this.
It comes as no surprise at the moment at least, because of the rise of right-wing governments in many parts of the world.
Every day I’m seeing how much some people in society hate black people, stupid shootings over nothing, police brutality, institutions failing us over and over again, there is something ingrained in our societies consciousness that devalues, marginalises and then demonises black – period!
When I look at history, I’ve seen these scientists deliberately inject syphilis into black people and deliver all kinds of diseases, sit back, watch and write their theses. I’ve read books by Eugenicist thinkers that go into some detail to explain how they believe that black people are sub-human.
Maybe this world changing event is just Eugenics taken a step forward. Maybe it’s not “Fear of a black planet”, but “Fear of any black people on the planet”.
I believe Eugenics will backfire, I found this scripture which seems to fit…
“However, these people insult anything they don’t understand; and what they do understand naturally, without thinking, like animals—by these things they are destroyed!” (Jude 10)
The weapons they create to destroy us destroy themselves.
And scripture says “No weapon made will prevail against you.” (Isa 54:17)
So, a message to my believing friends and family.
There are a lot of people who are confused by the anguish in the world. As soon as they see something dramatic, they associate it with God. This is a knee jerk reaction. The key is to remain calm.
Coronavirus is not from God but from man.
Remember this virus outbreak was “foretold” in fictional books (very loosely) by Nostradamus (don’t know the title of that book) and then Dean Koontz “The Eyes of Darkness” (1981) that were both sold for money.
Ask yourself the question. Do God’s people receive notice of His works by paying for it? Is this the way God’s people will receive prophecy? No prophet in the bible charges for their work!
Yahshua (Jesus) said “Freely you have received; freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)
Remember it was Balaam who prophesied against God’s people for money (Numbers chapters 22-24). We also read this about false teachers we need to be aware of:
“They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of wickedness.” (2 Peter 2:15)
Notice how slow things have moved since we first heard about Coronavirus (even since it became a “real thing” and not something fictional/or just in China), and how governments are worried about their economies – even to the point of delaying measures to prevent the spread of the virus and source adequate protective equipment to some of the people society depends on to save lives?
We are truly finding out the value of human life to some people.
Where there is loss, there is always profit.
Remember, there are always works done by men controlled by evil. Jannes and Jambres mimicked God’s works and opposed Moses (2 Timothy 3:8).
Please, don’t be deceived by man’s power that either tries to mask itself as the power of God or is wrongly interpreted as such. Do not be afraid:
If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. (Psalm 91:9&10)
“Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea” (Psalm 46:2).
Pay attention to what is going on, but with a strength of faith like this who needs to fear Coronavirus, 5G, Agenda 2030 or whatever is being cooked up by those who are never satisfied with their control, power and wealth?