Why are Africans in China facing discrimination over Coronavirus?

I was shocked to hear that Africans in China are experiencing racism because of Coronavirus. The epidemic appears to have started in China with Africa not seeing cases for weeks afterwards, yet the Chinese seem to be blaming African’s for the spread of the virus?

Despite Africans being evicted from their homes, denied access to restaurants and hotels and being harassed by police the Chinese Foreign Ministry says there has been no racist treatment of African people. I hate it when something is obvious and people just brazenly dismiss it, the spirit of denial is odious.

We’ve seen Europeans dominate Africa in the past, and they continue to do so today. Now China, Africa’s new “economic ally” is really showing that it’s attitudes toward black people as a race are not too dissimilar from the Europeans.

Al Jazeera article
France 24 article

Posted in Health, Race.

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