Racism and Senselessness

Well Liam Neeson has proved to be a perfect example of why I would say there is a link between racism and a deficiency in mental capability and reasoning akin to mental illness.

Mr Neeson graphically describes how he was on the lookout to kill a black man because a black man had allegedly raped a friend of his. Why did Neeson want to know the colour of the person’s skin? Why not their hair or eye colour, build or accent? Why would it be right for an innocent man to pay the price for the crime of another person? Should we kill people who have raped others? Would the act of murder undo the wrong committed against Neeson’s friend? I think the Neeson’s desire to murder reflects more than a desire for justice. It’s a difficult situation, rape is a disgusting crime, but we have to answer wrongdoing with justice – adding injustice to injustice serves no purpose. Here is what God said to the first murderer on earth:

6 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” (Genesis 4:6/7 NIV)

It’s always a question of us choosing to do what is right, otherwise we ourselves will be overcome with evil.

When racist people attempt to reason, they do not have the ability to look with even-handedness at a situation; like the so-called neanderthal man, they are driven by a basic urge, like an instinct to act before their minds can rise to an adequate measure of conscious deliberated thought.

When racist people attack other verbally or physically, or in any other manner, they actually more clearly represent what they feel they hate in the target of their hatred, than the person who their hatred is actually aimed at actually does. It’s a deep irony, racism is a cruel illusion, cruel to all those who are involved with it.

Posted in I Hate, Race.

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