The man of peace and the man of violence both failed

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X both to a some degree failed in their efforts to emancipate black people from the nefarious power of white domination over the black race.  This Al Jazerra program details their effect on society. Arguably they were both killed

Today we are not equal, in the workplace there is a glass ceiling proportionately few black people ever penetrate, in terms of housing, schooling – black people tend to grow accommodate the lower class end of the spectrum, financially to we can be disadvantaged, and this leads into issues around justice and brutality – where the same sorry stories that were being told of black people being killed by police, still occur today.

How can we overcome the terror, the devoutness, the hypocrisy, the conceit, the arrogance, the brutality, the inhumanity, and the dominance of white people – generally, because not all partake in it, but for those that do of this social structure that dehumanises black people and relegates us to being second class citizens?

Is it by being a gangsta, terrorising people of your own race and others – being the hungriest animal out there, the meanest, the basest, and the richest?  However bad you are, there is always someone more bad than you – and failing that there is an army of law enforcement to content with. Who can enjoy life when always having to look over your shoulder and be on your guard?

Should we claim that we are better than white people, forget white supremacy, lets talk black supremacy! No, believe me, white people, with all the power they have and the institutions they control are haunted every day by the fact that they aren’t superior. It’s only a social construct that allows people to THINK they are superior, and perhaps have others think that too, but it is as safe as a house of cards.  How could the black race think it could forge such an idiotic construct that would apply to us with all the societal problems we have? No, surely, all people are equal – no race is superior, people are people.

Is it by turning the other cheek?  How many times can someone look the other way and allow injustice to be practiced against them?  Yahshua or Jesus says forgive 70 times in a day, which I am told means to continually forgive, and practically it does mean that – but this applies to someone who you can show their fault and they repent of it, even if they repeat the mistake again over and over.  Like a child who you tell not to cuss or swear, but they do it and are sorry, and promise not to do it again, but they still do, and you have to reinforce and repeat to them not to do it over and over again – maybe one day it will sink in.  However, for the person who you show their fault and the do not repent, they can’t admit that what they did or do was wrong, and they will carry on regardless, Yahshua (Jesus) says treat them like a pagan or a tax collector – i.e. historically at that time a figure of contempt.

You see, that is what this cultural formation of racism, implicit bias and “Black Monothought” represents, in its worst guide a stubborn refusal to admit anything is wrong with a pattern of thinking that relegates people to second class citizens based on the colour of their skin.  So for me it seems like black people have to treat people who display an attitude of Black Monothought is to pour contempt out on them.

If you’re violent, you will quickly be picked up by the law enforcement authorities and be labelled as a troublemaker, violent, maybe mad and get yourself institutionalised. If you think the black race is superiuror, who are you fooling?  If you’re trying to turn the other cheek all the time, the enemy will happily walk all over you because he sees no resistance.

Contempt is resistance, when you show it people who have that disgusting attitude toward you, they will be taken aback, you see the surprise in their faces, they think twice, they check themselves like they’ve just walked through the wrong door into a place they didn’t expect to be. Contempt isn’t just disapproval, it stings and it burns, it is like acid to the mind and conscience of such a one that holds these racist or implicit bias laden views, that leaves a mark and slowly erodes the corruption that is there, and as black people we need to become skilled in the art of contempt, so that the drip, drip effect of its application washes clean the minds of those who are taken by it.

Truly, practising contempt for such people will make them better people, without meaningless violence, without the futile assertion of black superiority, without the implicit self-defeating action of turning the other cheek, but rather with the power of our mind, knowing who you are, and your value, your right to be respected, your right to expose the flawed opinions of people who expose their own inhumanity when they see you as been less than human, yes by exercising your right outwardly, to speak and show a reaction born of truth, wisdom and logic expressed in contempt, we defeat lies, stupidity and the illogical!

The Guardian on Malcolm X’s assanination
Washington’s Blog on civil verdict on Martin Luther King’s assaination

A black guy questioning a dubious police stop in the USA (video)

Posted in Race.

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