Dodd-Frank and the infamous Donald Trump hoodwink

If Donald Trump really wants to protect the rights of the average American Citizen, those “left behind”, the forgotten, then repealing the Dodd-Frank financial regulations will not help the issue.

Financial regulation curbs the excesses of big businesses that profit from leveraging their risks on the assets of poor people, and who suffer no loss when the financial bubbles the create come to a predictable end!

It’s always the taxes of the poor expressed through Government bailouts that gets these financial institutions out of trouble, leaving the public poorer, and the financial institutions in a state of conceited arrogance about the effects of the reckless profit seeking.

I don’t even think Donald Trump is really thinking of the poor, the American public has been hoodwinked again into more of the same old same old, boom and bust, the public pics up the bill, the rich get richer and in actual fact, it isn’t just the Dodd-Frank act that Donald Trump is running a “big number” on, but those that voted for him and believed he would bring real change.

Posted in Economics, Politics.

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