Far-right in the USA

Did you know what lies beneath the rise of the racist far right movements in the USA? Read up on “British Israelism” and “Christian Identity”. These movements want to assert that Anglo Saxons, the British, Scottish, German and Nordic peoples are the rightful heirs of the promises god gave to Israel, they focus on tenuous etymological links between words and twist biblical scriptures out of context in order to give them the reason to purge native peoples from their homelands and make people slaves. The Christian Identity movement in particular is extreme, it views people who are non-white as having no soul, not being human, a different species only fit to be slaves. The literature of these movements such as “The Turner Diaries” gave rise to the tactics and lifestyle of the Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh and they underpin the views and lifestlyes of racist groups like the Ku Klux Klan.

It’s important to know that The Turner Diaries also depict a race war and nuclear war.

So when I see someone like Donald Trump, whom I would term a crafty snake, employ people in his cabinet like Steve Bannon Chief Executive of Breitbart News a far right website as his Chief Strategist (although he has now been sacked), Jim Sessions (Attorney General) with a murky right wing sympathising past, and even with actions like pardoning Joe Arpaio who publicly said he felt honoured to be compared to the Ku Klux Klan back in 2007; it seems clear racism in America is coming out into the open, and right from the top.

It seems to me people have to go through more character checks for a job in a supermarket, than for a job in the Whitehouse.

Posted in Politics, Race.

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