The Killing$ of Tony Blair

When Tony Blair came to power in 1997, I was genuinely relieved as a life long Labour supporter, I thought finally a chance for real change after years of brutal Tory government.

Now in hindsight after Tony Blair has left office my opinion of him is much different, and even before he did the cracks started to show. I think Tony Blair is the greedy war monger, responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, who has excelled in deception, dishonesty, shown an unparralleled lack of integrity, and who should be tried for war crimes along with his friend George W Bush.

Labour used to stand for the working classes, but Tony Blair ripped the heart out of the party and sold it to the bankers, so all we have in this country now is a political system that truly serves the rich and those who control the media and public opinion as the general populace is guided down a path that sees out freedoms eroded, and the value of our wealth minimised.

I would recommend watching The Killing$ of Tony Blair, it’s a sad and painful reminder of what we as taxpayers support, and a true reflection on how undemocratic and corrupt our democracy has become. God help us if a man such as this doesn’t end up in prison for his disgusting abuse of power, which has continued with taxpayers funding his security detail and wealth accumulated by the contacts he gained as Prime Minister.  Tony Blair’s conduct makes me feel, really and truly ashamed to be British.  How can we keep on intervening in the lives of others without a care, pretending that we are bringers of change and peace while all the time cultivating war just so we can divide and conquer in order to exploit resources?  This is hypocrisy masked as care, and it is both a wicked practice and also a wicked disease for those who don’t realise its consequences.

How does this man sleep at night, and how is it that the cries of the lives of the people whose lives his policies have ransacked dont haunt his every waking moment, and not just for those abroad, but for the millions of people in Britain who trusted him whose trust he has betrayed with a web of lies. He must face the consequences of his actions.

Winning power in the Middle East and Africa, sources of energy and resources the developed world relies upon can’t be a goal that we achieve at any means. The less human our treatment of people in other countries is, the worse their opinion and treatment of us. What we throw out comes back to our door. If we keep on living like this, and accepting the actions of people like Tony Blair, I truly believe this world will end up in a perpetual state of war, with us living like animals where only the strongest and the richest will survive.

Posted in I Hate, Politics.

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