85 richest people on earth own half the world’s wealth

Money attracts money, so the saying goes. The rich get richer not only because money, influence and power are on their side, but also because our cultral aspirations are set on gaining wealth, property, goods and services. Wealth isn’t a bad thing, but sometimes we see that people who have wealth get away with doing things which those lacking in wealth can not, even to the extent that those who have the ability to increase society’s wealth (i.e. bankers) can mage huge losses which cost society, but can still be rewarded with bonuses even though they have failed to live up to the expectations society has for them. In these situations where wealth and the promise of wealh blind society to noble concepts like fairness and justice, I believe it is clear that society is corrupting itself and headed down a path to tyranny and greater injustice.

Oxfam has just published this artice and report.

Posted in Economics, News, Politics.

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