This is a good explanation of the prophecies common to both Daniel and Revelation. However, I would question the links Attila Kakarott (the video producer) makes between the church and the feet of clay and iron mixed (Da 2:33), he says the clay is the church, referring to the prophet Jeremiah and how clay is formed by God into whatever he pleases (Jeremiah 18), but the scripture says:
“You saw the iron mixed with clay; that means that they will cement their alliances by intermarriages; but they won’t stick together any more than iron blends with clay.” (CJB Da 2:43)
The scriptures go on to state:
“In the days of those kings the God of heaven will establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not pass into the hands of another people. It will break to pieces and consume all those kingdoms; but it, itself, will stand forever— like the stone you saw, which, without human hands, separated itself from the mountain and broke to pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold. The great God has revealed to the king what will come about in the future. The dream is true, and its interpretation is reliable.” (CJB Da 2:44–45).
If the church is a union of itself and the fourth kingdom, then the church would be both the kingdom shattering those other kingdoms and one of the kingdoms to be shattered but that’s not possible! The scripture clearly states in verse 2:34 that a stone separated itself, from where it is not clear, but Yahshua said:
“I have given them your word, and the world hated them, because they do not belong to the world—just as I myself do not belong to the world. I don’t ask you to take them out of the world, but to protect them from the Evil One. They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world.” (CJB Jn 17:14–16).
Thus even though we are born into earthly kingdoms, once we accept Yah as our God, as Yahshua as our Lord and Saviour, we are “born again”, not only into a new nature that defeats sin, but into a new kingdom that separates us from the world, its principles and mindset that drives its motives for change.